Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Taking Breaks

Well, friends, it seems that I have been getting all of my ideas from things I read lately.  Last week I dealt with stress, and factors that lead to brain freeze (not the fun kind involving ice-cream), and this week, water.  I read recently, don't ask were, I can't remember, that we are supposed to consume eight cups of water a day.  Of course we all learned this back in health class about a million years ago, but since none of that food pyramid crap actually penetrated to our long term memory (possibly due to the stress that middle school exerts on even the best of us) we have all forgotten, or at least never bothered to impalement it.  Apparently, drinking water, and a lot of it, is really good for you, who knew (everyone raising their hands please hold your sarcastic comments until the end of my rambling).

It goes something like this, and for those nutrition nut jobs out there, you can correct my faulty memory at a later time.  The more water we consume, the more impurities are flushed out of our system, the fewer impurities, the better we feel, the healthier, and here's the kicker, the more weight we can loose with our everyday (or week if you're a lazy ass like me) workouts.  As a bonus, with all that water in you, you don't feel the need to snack quite as much, or at least I don't, since I'm nicely full of water.  Somewhere in the article was something about water retentions, like the more water we drink the less water we retain, in a sort of backwards way that makes sence.  Its like our bodies are trusting us to put more water in, so they don't feel the need to hord it, kind of like if we eat a bunch of really small meals, our bodies store less fat.  Again, I'm just speculating, I have no scientific background in this stuff.

So, I'm trying it (for a week mind you) and seeing how much better I feel, or if my workouts will become more affective.  Today is day one, and so far I've polished off three glasses of water, and spent about half of my morning running back and forth to the bathroom (and I thought I pee'd a lot before this little experiment).  What have I learned in the first six hours of this little experiment? One, you really can't travel far from the bathroom, because you're body's got a lot of liquid its not used to running through it; two, I'm not hungry (like at all, though I do feel like those horses we all used to ride at camp, after they'd spent some time at the water trough, and they sloshed when they ran?); three, eight glasses of water is a lot more than it sounds like.

Well, folks, unless I float away (which seems pretty possible at this point) I'll let you know how it works out, or if I even make it a full week.  Drinking constantly is hard.

1 comment:

  1. This is so funny. I carry a bottle of water around with me everywhere. If say, for instance, you were on fire, I would reach into my purse and get out my 16.9 oz (2 glasses!) of water and pour it on you. I'd probably also tell you to stop, drop and roll and possibly call 911 if neither of those were enough to put you out...maybe. lol

    When at work/home/working out I have a camelbak that holds 24 oz of water (3 glasses!)

    I probably drink right around 8 glasses a day. I just remember a few years ago I was constantly thirsty so I started drinking a lot of water. And now if I don't I feel all laggy. Keep me updated on how you do.
